Countries where WOMEN are in POWER

FYI: These rankings are done by percentages of women in the lower house of parliament or house of representatives, or the country’s unicameral legislative or consultative body.

Below are the percentages of Women power in Parliament or House of representatives. These are the highest percentages of women power all around the world.

  1. The parliament of Senegal is 42.7% women.
  2. Nicaragua’s National Assembly is 39.1% women.
  3. Saudi Arabia’s Consultative Assembly (whose members are appointed by the King) is 19.9% women.
  4. Iraq’s Council of Representatives is 26.5% women.
  5. Cuba’s National Assembly of People’s Power is 48.9% women.
  6. Algeria’s People’s National Assembly is 31.6%.
  7. Tunisia’s parliament is 31.3% women.
  8. Iceland’s parliament is 41.3% women.
  9. Spain’s Congress of Deputies is 41.1% women.
  10. Mozambique’s Assembly of the Republic is 39.6% women.
  11. Belgium’s Chamber of Representatives has a parliament that’s 39.3% women.
  12. South Africa’s National Assembly has 41.5% women.
  13. Afghanistan’s House of the People is 27.7%.
  14. Ethiopia’s House of Peoples’ Representatives is 27.8% women.
  15. Italy’s Chamber of Deputies is 31% women.
  16. Thailand’s National Assembly is 6.1% women.
  17. Greece’s Hellenic Parliament is 23.6% women.
  18. New Zealand’s House of Representatives is 31.4% women.
  19. Rwanda’s Chamber of Deputies is a whopping 63.8% female – the largest proportion in the world.
  20. Namibia’s National Assembly is 41.3%.

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