Showing posts with label ATTLAS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATTLAS. Show all posts

ATTLAS - Scarlett


ATTLAS - Overture

ATTLAS - Kayla

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We all have been known that Deadmau5 has always been a hero in giving surprises to his fans, though, he has been contributing his music to his side project ATTLAS.
He has released many songs to this alias. Yet, it isn’t confirmed that it is deadmau5 or anyone but the big hint that this is deadmau5 is this, all the music produced under this alias is being produced by the same modulator which deadmau5 made himself and tested online. But still, there is no confirmation or anything had been posted by deadmau5 after being so many questions on his live stream.
Let’s hear some of these great tunes which have been created under ATTLAS alias;

  • ATTLAS – Scarlett:

  • ATTLAS – Sabs

  • ATTLAS x Tove Lo - Scream My Name (bootleg)

  • deadmau5 - Aural Psynapse (ATTLAS Remix)

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